Danish Neuro Single Cell (NeuSiC) platform

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The Neuro Single Cell (NeuSiC) platform provides neuroscience groups in Denmark with access to state-of-the-art single cell and spatial omics technologies (10x Genomics, Parse Biosciences, Smart-seq2). While the user is responsible for the sample preparation (nuclei/cell isolation and potential fixation), NeuSiC covers library generation, sequencing and data analysis. Users are only responsible for covering the expenses for reagents used in library preparation and sequencing, while the working hours are fully subsidized.

The NeuSiC platform is specialized in processing brain tissue from animal models or human samples, as well as other tissues or in vitro models from neuroscience-oriented projects. We are situated at the Biotech Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) in Copenhagen and collaborate closely with BRIC’s Single Cell Core Facility.

NeuSiC is funded by the Lundbeck Foundation. We ask that users acknowledge the NeuSiC facility in all scientific publications, presentations, posters or any other public announcement that reference data generated here.

We receive support from an advisory board consisting of:

  • Prof. Ana Pombo, MDC, Berlin/John Hopkins, USA
  • Prof. Igor Adameyko, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  • Prof. Goran Karlsson, Lund University, Sweden
  • Assoc. Prof. Jean-Francois Perrier, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Jan Egebjerg, Lundbeckfonden, Senior Vice President, Grants & Prizes, Director of Science