

Capabilities: Fast, sensitive and flexible automated cell imaging using 4x, 10x, 20x (water immersion) or 40x (water immersion) objectives and filters for imaging DAPI, CFP, FITC, YFP, TRITC, Cy5, Cy7 and TexasRed. 60 µm pinhole confocality available and image analysis software, MetaXpress and IN Carta.

Applications: Broad range of high-content assays in 2D and 3D



Image Resolution

4x Air

1.699 µm / px

10x Air

679 nm / px

20x Water

338.7 nm / px

40x Water

169.4 nm / px


Filters equipped:

List of filters Available through this link.

Visit ImageXpress Confocal by clicking here.




Capabilities: Long term real-time, non-invasive, quantitative live-cell analysis; 4x, 10x, and 20x objectives, HD phase-contrast, widefield fluorescence

Applications: Live-cell monitoring of e.g. proliferation, cell death, wound-healing, scratch assays. 



Image Resolution

4x Air

2.82 µm / px

10x Air

1.24 µm / px

20x Air

0.62 µm / px


Filters equipped:

Filter set




441-481 nm

503-544 nm


567-607 nm

622-704 nm

Visit IncuCyte S3 Live-Cell Analysis System's website by clicking here.

Plate readers 






Capabilities: A combined plate cytometer and plate reader with absorbance, fluorescence and luminescence capabilities, combined with brightfield and fluorescence well-imaging with single cell resolution.

Applications: Broad range of absorbance or luminescent based biological readouts; Nucleic Acid measurement




4x Air

3.0 µm


Filters equipped (for microscopy):

Filter set



385 nm LED


465 nm LED


525 nm LED


632 nm LED


735 nm LED or Transmitted Light

Visit EnSight Mulitimode plate reader's website by clicking here.

Automated Liquid Handling







Capabilities: Liquid transfer using disposable pipet tips (Hamilton); 384-well head; plate handling

Applications: automated cell splitting on multi-well plates, 2D and 3D culture fixation and staining, high-throughput screening

Visit Microlab STARlet's website by clicking here. 






Capabilities: Liquid transfer using non-contact acoustic droplet ejection (tips-free); flexible low-volume transfer for high throughput formats.

Echo 550 for all liquid classes in 2.5nL drops.

Echo 525 for non-DMSO liquids in 25nL drops.

Applications: compound screens, dose-response curves, antibody staining, miniaturized combinatorial reagent addition, library cherry-pick, low-volume qPCR.

See more about The Echo Acoustic Liquid Handling Technology



Capabilities: Peristaltic liquid dispensing using random access dispense (RAD) and multi-mode dispensing in 96 and 384-well microplates (1-3000 µL).

Applications: cell seeding, reagent dispensing

Visit MultiFloFx's website by clicking here.



Capabilities: Microplate washing.

Applications: Washing of fixed as well as live cells.

Visit Plate washer 405 SUVS's website by clicking here.


Capabilities: The MANTIS is an automated liquid dispenser that can be used to dispense accurate volumes of liquids (100nL – 5mL) into 6 well up to 1536-well plates, with an extremely low dead volume.

Applications: Cell seeding, reagent dispensing

Visit MANTIS´s website by clicking here.


Flow Cytometry




  • High throughput Flow cytometer designed to run standard 96 or 384-well plates.
  • Offering Violet (6 filters), Blue (5 filters) and Red (2 filters) laser lines
  • ZERO dead volume – your complete sample will be measured without worrying about dead volume losses
  • Sample volumes down to 1 µl


  • Immunology, oncology, drug discovery, vaccine development
  • Screening assays, biomarker discovery, characterizing complex cellular populations

Visit iQue Advanced Flow Cytometry´s website by clicking here.