
We offer full support for any HT Cell Based Screening project (based onCRISPR, RNAi or compounds) using phenotypic cell-based readouts such as fluorescent or luminescent reporter or immunostaining. All assays are performed in either 96-“384-well microtitre plate format in an automated fashion. We gladly work with researchers on assay setup, optimization and the development of new techniques. For data analysis, we have a number of software options available in order to extract the maximum amount of data and provide results in a statistically verified and clearly visualized manner.

Apart from the actual screening process, we offer our expertise in assay development, data analysis, statistical analysis and data management, so users will be guided all the way through their screening projects.

For automated screening, we utilize the Hamilton liquid handling station, the Echo 550 and 525 acoustic dispensers as well as the Biotek MultiFloFx dispenser and Biotek 405 plate washer. HT data analysis is performed on our ImageXpress Confocal high content microscope, INCell Analyzer 2200 high content microscope , Incucyte S3 Live Cell Analysis System, Synergy HTX Multimode reader and EnSight Multimode plate reader. These instruments can also be used separately after training or with the support from the facility. For more information about the instruments, see Screening Instrumentation.

Booking procedure

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Trained users can book instrumentation directly through PPMS for the HTBISEQ Facility