
The Sequencing Facility has an Illumina NextSeq500 sequencing machine, which has a single flow cell with four lanes. The NextSeq500 machine can run in two modes, a ”Hi” mode with longer run time (up to 30h) and an output of typically more than 400M reads, and a ”Mid” mode, with short run time and typically more than 140M reads.

Sequencing kits must be purchased via the facility. Read more about how to order here.

Sequencing libraries have to be prepared by the user and brought to the facility. Concentration of prepared sequencing libraries should be carefully measured. We recommend using QBit. Final concentration for optimal cluster generation depends on library type but are typically between 1 and 1.5pM.

Data is uploaded securely to both Illumina BaseSpace Sequence Hub and SUND IT, for local storage.