International programmes
Discover - International Doctoral Programme
DISCOVER is supported by the H2020 Marie S. Curie programme and will recruit 24 talented fellows over three calls during 2021-2023. Discover is a unique opportunity for young researchers to join an international and interdisciplinary PhD program within biomedicine.
Visit the DISCOVER website here
INTERACT - International Doctoral Programme ‘Interdisciplinary Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action for Health'
INTERACT is supported by the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme and will recruit 66 talented fellows over three calls during 2025-2027. INTERACT is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to join an international and interdisciplinary PhD program within the STEM disciplines.
Visit the INTERACT website here
iMED - International Doctoral Program in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
The International Doctoral Program in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (iMED). iMED enrols 24 talented international PhD students in the field of molecular mechanisms of disease and offers a personalized research and training programme, seeking to empower each student to fully exploit her/his talent. The scheme is cofunded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no 801481.
Getradi - Gene Therapy of Rare Diseases
The goal of the network “Gene Therapy of Rare Diseases” (GetRadi) is to train 10 PhD students to become exceptional experts in gene therapy of rare diseases. In their research projects, the ESR will aim to overcome major technical challenges that still prevent the widespread use of somatic gene therapy in the clinic. All projects are embedded in a tight and synergistic academic-industrial collaboration to develop marketable products for the application of gene therapy. This GetRadi training will allow young scientists to spearhead future research efforts in gene therapy of rare diseases and thus increase the speed that desperately needed novel gene therapies are developed.
Visit the Getradi website here
LEAD -International postdoc leadership programme
The vision of LEAD is to support the enrolled fellows in the transition to become a research leader, in or outside of academia.The programme will recruit 16 fellows over two cohort. The scheme is cofunded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no 945322.
LEAD poster for download (PDF)
SYNTRAIN- The European synthetic lethality training network
The vision of SYNTRAIN is to create a cohort of talented young researchers (ESRs) with knowledge, skills and multidisciplinary abilities that will help them become leading European researchers. The ESRs trained by our Consortium will be attractive for both industrial and academic employers. objectives. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 722729.
Visit the SYNTRAIN website here
IMGENE - Improving Genome Editing Efficiency
A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) European Training Networks (ETN) H2020-MSCA-ETN-2017.
IMGENE is a European CRISPR genome editing training network devoted to educating the next generation of European researchers in the field of CRIPSR genome editing technology.
A Marie Curie Initial Training Network - FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN.
RNA-TRAIN is a European RNA training network devoted to educating the next generation of European researchers in the field of ncRNA biology.
Visit the RNA-TRAIN website here