What to expect from the series?
Is your personal goal to become a PI? Are you interested in improving your strategy and chances of succeeding? Or are you undecided but curious to find out what it takes to become a PI and what the daily life of a PI looks like? Get some concrete insights on the road from postdoc to PI by joining the seminar series.
Inspirational insights
Postdocs Colin Hammond (Groth group) and Monsterrat Estruch Alrich (Theilgaard group) are both considering future career opportunities. As many postdocs they have both considered the option of becoming Principle Investigators, but what does the road from postdoc to PI actually look like? And does the leap from postdoc to PI require the perfect CV and an unbroken string of academic successes? Colin and Monsterrat joined BRICs “Postdoc to PI” seminar series to shed some light on the potential road ahead and discovered that there is no “one road” that leads to a PI position.
“Of course some PIs go straight through but it is important to know that many PIs with a difficult or alternative journey also make it. You learn from the programme that if you really want it, go work for it, and you can get it!” Says Monsterrat
Colin adds:
“I think the programme changed my mindset and made me more confident that becoming a PI is possible. Seeing many inspirational examples on PIs who faced various career challenges and still became successful group leaders, gave me a lot of motivation.”
The programme consists of a series of informal meetings where postdocs from BRIC can meet PIs at both junior and senior level and discuss different topics and experiences.
Colin and Monsterrat both stress that they picked up inspiration and motivation at each seminar:
“You get different insight every time. Each meeting has different speakers/PIs with very different career paths. No two are the same.” Says Colin.
Guidelines to support your career
Colin and Monsterrat are still unsure about the end goal for their careers, but whether you have a personal dream of becoming a PI or not, the programme gives you a chance to pick up career advice from the top players in academia.
“I joined the programme for the networking opportunities and as a bonus felt a boost in motivation from these meetings. The PIs we have spoken to have always been encouraging and believe in our career potential even if we are not so confident. We receive many tips on how to start a group from recruiting the right personalities and skillsets for you lab to getting your first grant. Overall I would really recommend attending these meetings.” Says Colin.
Monsterrat adds:
“I felt curious to know how people I admire got to their positions. Then I realized the road is not always straight and there are many things you have to consider. For example, which institution you would like to start a group in, this has to cover all your needs to develop your research. I have learnt from each meeting, it seems you are getting skilled just by meeting the PIs, a kind of “osmosis”.
The programme covers other topics as well, concerning strategic decisions made during your postdoc career, developing your research strategy, finding your scientific niche etc. Read more about the programme
Colin and Monsterrat are both helping with the arrangement of future seminars as members of the working group. If you want to help organize the seminar series, please contact Agnieszka Krzyzanowska: agnieszka.krzyzanowska@bric.ku.dk
Postdocs Monsterrat Estruch Alrich and Colin Hammond