2020.09.17 New paper by Dr. Dan Høgdall in Clinical Cancer Research New paper by Dr. Dan Høgdall, MD PhD in Clinical Cancer Research: Serum IL-6 as a prognostic…
2020.09.17 Monika Lewinska to speak at annual conference at the International Liver Cancer Association Monika Lewinska to speak at the virtual annual conference at the International Liver Cancer…
2020.09.17 Jesper B Andersen to speak at annual conference at the International Liver Cancer Association Jesper B Andersen to speak at the virtual annual conference at the International Liver Cancer…
2020.09.17 Jesper B Andersen to speak at annual conference at the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Jesper B Andersen to speak at the virtual annual conference at the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation ,…
2020.06.15 Bichitra Paul receives research grant from the Danish Cancer Research Foundation iMED PhD student Ms. Bichitra Paul has received a research grant from the Danish Cancer Research…
2020.06.15 New review by Drs. Colm J O’Rourke and Patricia Munoz-Garrido in Hepatology Molecular targets in cholangiocarcinoma. O'Rourke CJ, Munoz-Garrido P, Andersen JB. Hepatology. 202…
2020.06.15 New paper by Dr. Chirag Nepal in iScience Ancestrally Duplicated Conserved Noncoding Element Suggests Dual Regulatory Roles of HOTAIR in cis…
2020.03.09 New paper by assistant professor Chirag Nepal in Nature Communications. January 2020: New paper by assistant professor Chirag Nepal in Nature Communications. Collaboration…
2020.03.09 Jesper B Andersen to host a panel on “molecular mechanisms of liver cancer development February 2020: Jesper B Andersen to host a panel on “molecular mechanisms of liver cancer…
2020.03.09 Dr. Monika Lewinska receives full bursary from the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) February 202: Dr. Monika Lewinska receives full bursary from the European Association for the Study…
2020.03.09 Dr. Juan Francisco LaFuente-Barquero receives a MSCA individual postdoc fellowship February 2020: Dr. Juan Francisco LaFuente-Barquero receives a MSCA individual postdoc fellowship:…
2019.11.13 Drs. Letizia Satriano and Monika Lewinska published in Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology Letizia Satriano and Monika Lewinska published in Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology:…
2019.11.13 Jesper B Andersen to speak at the `Øvre Gastrointestinal Cancer (ØGC) seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark Nov 21st 2019: Jesper B Andersen to speak at the `Øvre Gastrointestinal Cancer (ØGC) seminar in…
2019.11.13 Jesper B Andersen to speak at the Nordic HPB meeting and Scandinavian Network for Hepatocellular carcinoma in Helsinki, Finland Nov 15 th 2019: Jesper B Andersen to speak at the Nordic HPB meeting and Scandinavian Network for…
2019.11.13 Jesper B Andersen to attend the Global Cholangiocarcinoma Alliance steering committee meeting in London, UK. Sept 19th 2019: Jesper B Andersen to attend the Global Cholangiocarcinoma Alliance steering…
2019.11.13 Jesper B Andersen chairing the molecular profiling working group at the EURO-CHOLANGIO-NET meeting in Malta 11-13 2019: Jesper B Andersen chairing the molecular profiling working group at the…
2019.09.27 Colm J O’Rourke receives the International Junior Investigator Award Assistant Professor Colm J O’Rourke receives the International Liver Cancer Association prestigious…
2019.09.27 Dr. Monika Lewinska receives Danish Cancer Society travel award The Danish Cancer Society travel award was recieved for oral presentation at the 13th Annual…
2019.07.02 Jesper B Andersen appointed Associate Editor for the Journal of Hepatology Jesper B Andersen appointed Associate Editor for the Journal of Hepatology with responsibility for…
2019.06.19 New paper by Assistant Professor Colm J. O’Rourke in Trends in Cancer “Epigenome remodeling in Cholangiocarcinoma”
2019.06.19 MSCA project `EpiTarget´ has been highlighted by CORDIS under the European Commission “Epigenetics: the Achilles heel of bile duct cancer?”
2019.05.29 Lea Duwe has received a research grant from the Danish Cancer Research Foundation iMED PhD student Ms. Lea Duwe has received a research grant from the Danish Cancer Research…
2019.05.27 Dr. Monika Lewinska to speak at ILCA's annual conference Dr. Monika Lewinska to speak at International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA) annual conference in…
2019.05.27 Assistant Professor Colm J O’Rourke to speak at the ILCA's annual conference Assistant Professor Colm J O’Rourke to speak at the International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA)…
2019.04.30 Dr. Chirag Nepal to speak at Rikshospitalet, University of Oslo in Norway April 24th 2019. “Understanding genomic perturbations for patients stratification and personalized treatment in…
2019.04.30 Young investigator bursaries for Colm J. O’Rourke Colm J. O’Rourke from Andersen Group has been awarded a Young Investigator Bursary from The Europea…
2019.04.08 European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma has become a recognized EASL consortium European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma has become a recognized EASL consortium. Read…
2018.09.28 Colm J O’Rourke selected top scored poster September 2018: Colm J O’Rourke selected top scored poster at the International Liver Cancer…
2018.09.28 Jesper Andersen speaker and chair June 2018: Jesper Andersen speaker and chair at the 2nd biennial congress at the European Network…
2018.04.04 Dr. Chirag Nepal awarded Lundbeck Foundation travel stipend Dr. Chirag Nepal awarded Lundbeck Foundation travel stipend for the study “HOTAIR ancient sequence…
2018.04.04 PhD student Ruba Al Abdulla visits Andersen group as guest research from April to July 2018 PhD student Ruba Al Abdulla from University of Salamanca, Spain is visiting as guest researcher fro…
2018.03.13 Jesper Andersen presentations in March In March 2018 Group Leader Jesper B Andersen is to present: At Clinical Epigenetics Society (CLEPSO…
2018.03.13 Young investigator bursaries for Colm J. O’Rourke & Patricia Munoz-Garrido Colm J. O’Rourke & Patricia Munoz-Garrido from Andersen Group have been awarded Young Investigator…
2018.01.29 Press coverage of Hepatology paper Danish: BRIC: Nyt studie i præcisionsmedicin giver håb til patienter med uhelbredelig kræftform KB…
2017.12.27 New paper on Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma online Genomic Perturbations Reveal Distinct Regulatory Networks in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. Nepal…
2017.09.20 2 Andersen lab speakers at MSCA-IF September 2017 I September 2017, Colm J O’Rourke (EpiTarget) and Douglas VNP Oliveira (EpiLiver) acted as speakers…
2017.09.20 Jesper B Andersen speaker and co-chair at ILCA annual conference in Seoul, Korea, September 2017 In September 2017, Jesper B Andersen acted as speaker and co-chair for a special interest group in…
2017.09.11 MedTech Innovation grant for Dan Høgdall Dan Høgdall MD, PhD student in Andersen group has received a MedTech Innovation grant for the…
2017.08.15 Jesper B Andersen to speak at Istituto Nationale Tumori Regina Elena On July 17 2017, group leader Jesper B Andersen is to speak at The National Cancer Centre `Regina…
2017.04.25 Interview about current collaboration Interview about current collaboration with Dr. Jose Marin at University of Salamanca, Spain to…
2017.04.06 Letizia Satriano receives Young Investigator bursary PhD student Letizia Satriano has received a Young Investigator bursary...
CANCER RESEARCH 2017.03.29 Researchers one step closer to treatment of rare cancer Bile duct cancer is a rare tumour type, which is associated with a poor prognosis. Now, Danish and…
2017.03.10 Jesper B Andersen to speak at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz On 28 March 2017, group leader Jesper B Andersen is to speak at 1st Department of Medicine,…
2017.03.10 Jesper B Andersen to speak at Hannover Medical School On 16 May 2017 group leader Jesper B Andersen is to speak at the Dept. of Gastroenterology,…
2017.03.08 Jesper B Andersen appointed to the Editorial Board of Hepatology The official journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD).
2017.02.27 Patricia Garrido-Munoz receives Marie Curie Postdoc Fellowship Member of Andersen group Patricia Garrido-Munoz has received a Marie Curie Postdoc Fellowship for…
2017.02.27 Jesper B Andersen to speak at “Research Xchange Forum” Jesper B Andersen to speak February 21-23rd at Satorius College in Goettingen, Germany at the…
2016.11.23 Dan Høgdall, MD PhD student has been awarded travel support Dan Høgdall, MD PhD student has been awarded travel support for a 6 months secondment during the…
2016.11.09 Andrzej Taranta receives a 3 year individual postdoc grant With the title "Diagnostic assay design and mechanistic deconvolution of the fibroblast growth…
2016.10.07 New face in Andersen Group On October 1st 2016, Monika Lewinska, PhD is hired as a Postdoctoral fellow in the Andersen group.
2016.08.08 New face in Andersen Group On 1 August 2016, Awaisa Ghazal joined Andersen group as a Postdoctoral fellow in the bioinformatic…
2016.08.08 Chirag Nepal receives DFF-Individual Postdoctoral Stipend With the title: “Transcriptional control: the genomic root driving hepatocarcinogenesis”.
2016.04.21 Patricia Munoz awarded at the annual international liver conference in Barcelona Patricia Munoz, Recipient of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Sheila…
2016.04.21 Colm J. O’Rourke receives Marie Curie Postdoc Fellowship Member of Andersen group Colm J. O’Rourke has received a Marie Curie Postdoc Fellowship for the…
2016.03.11 Zhuravleva Ekaterina Vladimirovna Zhuravleva Ekaterina Vladimirovna , MSc is hired as research assistant in the Bioinformatics sectio…
2016.02.08 A busy spring for the members of Andersen group During the spring 2016, the members of Andersen group will act as speakers at several international…
2016.02.08 New face in Andersen Group On 1 February 2016 Esmeralda Lopez Aguayo joins Andersen group as Master Student.
2015.11.16 Andersen Group featured in NatureJobs The latest issue of NatureJobs featured a special "spotlight on Denmark" in which Andersen Group wa…
2015.11.16 New face in Andersen Group On December 1, 2015 Patricia Munoz-Garrido joins Andersen Group as postdoc.
2015.08.31 New face in Andersen Group On 1 September, Andrzej Taranta joins Andersen Group as postdoc.
2015.07.31 New face in Andersen Group On 1 August, Letizia Satriano joins Andersen Group as research Assistant.
2015.07.27 Junior Investigator Award 2015 for Chirag Nepal On 15 September 2015, Chirag Nepal will be awarded with the Junior Investigator Award 2015 for…
ELITE RESEARCH 2015.06.23 2 BRIC researchers awarded Sapere Aude grants Group Leader, Professor Anders H. Lund and Group Leader, Associate Professor Jesper B. Andersen hav…
2015.06.18 Chiraq Nepal will speak at ILCA’s annual meeting Postdoc Chirag Nepal, Andersen group has been selected to give an oral presentation at the plenary…
2015.06.01 Merit Award for Cancer Research to BRIC Group Leader Group leader Jesper B Andersen has received the Junior Researcher Award 2015 from the Danish Cancer…
2015.04.08 Prestigious Novo Nordisk research stipend to BRIC researcher The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded the prestigious Hallas-Møller Investigator award valued at…
2015.03.02 Postdoc Fellowship for Douglas Oliveira In February 2015, Douglas Oliveira (postdoc) has been awarded a Marie Curie Postdoc Fellowship.
2015.01.05 PhD student fellowship for Dan Høgdall Dan Høgdall, MD, PhD student has been awarded a PhD student fellowship from the Lundbeck Foundation…