Social activities in Duxin group

Meet the Duxin Lab

Our philosophy is to have fun while doing thorough science!

First Western Blot in the lab (Irene; September 2016)First Western Blot in the lab (Irene; September 2016)

Lisa preparing frogs

First preparation of frog egg extracts in the lab (Lisa; 2017)

Duxin et al in the opera

At the Opera House (in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark! 2018)

Duxin lab with wakeboeards

Wakeboarding in central Copenhagen (2019)

Duxin lab on boeatOn our way to our lab retreat in Sweden (2019)

Duxin Lab in sports clothes

Our first DHL run as “The Running Frogs”... (2018)

Duxin lab at DHL

...and our second DHL run. Still working on our time!

Duxin lab hiking in nature

Hiking in Sweden (2019)

Playing KUBBPlaying KUBB in the park  (2020)

Ulrike with mate

Ulrike drinking mate

Duxin group brainstorming

Brainstorming session (2019)

Duxing lab in park

Beating the Nilsson lab at KUBB! (2020)

Duxin lab members with bikes

Biking in Copenhagen (2020)

Drawn frogg

Frog ART #1 (by Ulrike)

Frogg made from HAMA pearls

Frog art #2; SOP on how to inject frogs (by Julien)

Frogg cake

Frog art #3 (NPE #50)

Duxin group in park at distance

Social distancing at the park during COVID (2020)

Duxin lab celebrating

Celebrating Irene’s manuscript (2021)

Bente’s first NPE (2020)

Bente’s first NPE (2020)

Duxin group at BBQLab bbq (2022)

Duxin lab celebrating

Joint lab retreat with Puck’s lab in Germany (2022)

Duxin lab

Beating the MIME group at KUBBs (3 years in a row, 2023)

Duxin group in underground buss

Moving to BRIC (2024)

Celebrating with wine in Paris
Celebration at Paris 90 (2024)